Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Street Snap


As the weather quickly cools down in Shanghai, people rapidly transition into their fall wardrobe. With that comes fluffy sweaters, cute boots and hats and the opportunity to layer. Fall weather also creates a perfect time to sight some amazingly cute outfits.

Here's what I saw the other day.... can you guess what it is? Here's a hint!

Angelic Pretty's Day Dream Carnival サロペット(salopetto?) 

*Her face is covered for courtesy*

I bumped into this this cute girl in the South Shanxi train station  If you are a fan of lolita fashion, the hint was surely too easy! Here she is wearing the Japanese lolita brand, Anglic Pretty's print Day Dream Carnival. Because Shanghai is home to an AP store, it's not uncommon to see Chinese lolitas sporting the latest prints and designs. Her look is perfectly casual with the outfit's key points being : lack of a petticoat and flats (tea party shoes) to comfortably move around the city for a day of shopping. I love her Baby the Stars Shine bright mini bunny bear chain attached to the cookie bag, so cute!

Here's the official photograph of the dress.


  1. dear jenny! love your blg >:::::< i love gyaru fashion!

    so this aipril i go to hollydais in shanghai! were i can go for buy gyaru makeup like dolly wink and something like this?

    thank you so muuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuch!!! big hug!

  2. Hi, thanks for your sweet message. I'm so happy you will be able to visit Shanghai. If you like Japanese makeup, I'd suggest going to Sasa. They have stores all over the city and have a ton of super cute makeup. OPA Mall also has a nice selection of makeup from Japan so if you are in the area of South Shannxi please take a look.
